Thursday, June 5, 2008

Introducing our Family

My first attempt at blogging is going to be short being that I am approaching the end of nap time. However, I am going to try to kick myself into gear to get our family of 5 a part of this blogging world in order to update our friends and family who live so far away.

Note: We have three very cute kids, so this should be a worthy endeavor.

To kick it off, here is our not so little HAPPY family....


BAILEY is 9 years old and will be turning 10 in August!

NATHAN just turned 2 May 22!

Katie's Birth Announcement

This is our new normal (Bailey 9, Nate 2, and Katie 3 months)... anyone up to the challenge of trying to take a picture of all three at once???

So, as for now this is our not so little HAPPY family. If it was up to Nick I think there would be more to for me, all I care about is Bailey NOT entering her teenage years, Nathan pooping and peeing IN the POTTY not NEXT to it, and Katie sleeping through the night!!!


Abby said...

Just wanted to say Hi and your family is very cute!

Judi said...

How totally adorable!!!What a beautiful family and how blessed those 3 are to have such awesome parents as Nick and Tracy!!! I say have a few more!
Love Auntie Jud

Abby said...

Click on Customize
Click on Add Page Element
Under Link List click Add to Blog
Then copy & paste your friends website address under the Site URL and Title it whatever you want. Site Name would be your friends name. Make sense? Let me know if it doesn't.

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

What adorable kids! You have a beautiful family. I'm looking forward to updates.

Race Fam said...

Wow, your family is sure growing and they are so cute. I can't believe your daughter is almost 10. That seems impossible!