I know, I SUCK at keeping this page updated but here's the deal... something happend to my computer and it WOULD NOT load my pictures. The worst part is I lost Bailey's 10th b-day party and her first day of 5th grade. But just by chance I tried to load my pictures today and it worked. Therefore, I've got a lot to update everyone on...I'll begin where I left off way back on the 4th of July.
In August, we finished our summer with our annual vacation to Newport Beach with Nick's family. This year, we packed the little 900 sq. ft beach house with 14 people. It was me, Nick, our 3 kids + Bailey's friend, Jenny, Jeremy, Jim, Cyndee, Amy, Christy and Ralph and Shirley. Jenny was pregnant with John this year, but next year I can't wait to see him join in on the fun with the rest of us!

Bailey is already counting down the days until the next trip. Although this time she is trying to schedule in more shopping!!!
Also this summer,
Bailey finished her 3rd year on the siemon swim team.

Nathan tried shaving with a toothbrush

Nathan tried to show Katie how to climb out of the window which is now LOCKED AT ALL TIMES. Never allow a 2 year old to watch Dennis the Menis...although I wish I could have captured Nathan on video stacking the toys under the window and explaining to Katie what to do.

As for the new school year,
We are off to a good start, a little challenging in some areas but, Bailey has a wonderful 5th grade teacher who is very incouraging. She continues to play the cello and has made the 5th/6th grade oral language team (something I would have NEVER done). Nathan started preschool and loves it. Katie continues to be a hand full and I have given up on the idea that she will EVER be calm and content with ANYTHING.
Finally I am so HAPPY to say, I'M AN AUNT and NICK'S AN UNCLE. Jenny gave birth to John Thomas Schieldle on October 3, 2008. He was 7lbs. 11oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. Congrats you TWO we are super excited that someone besides us has a child to turn grandpa iPhone and grandma Cyndee's house upside down. We love you!